Why the need of a web site?
In this modern world, a company without a web site is unimaginable. One of the easiest things that a company can have when it comes to marketing and advertisement.
That's what Grand SD Solution is here for, we offer you complete designing, creating and support for your website. Starting from basic web sites such as informational web sites with contact information and a gallery, all the way up to advanced web pages with online stores, dynamic interactivity and much more.
We offer you professionally designed websites by our certified personal.
Websites can be divided into two broad categories—static and interactive. Interactive sites are part of the Web 2.0 community of sites and allow for interactivity between the site owner and site visitors or users. Static sites serve or capture information but do not allow engagement with the audience or users directly. Some websites are informational or produced by enthusiasts or for personal use or entertainment. Many websites do aim to make money, using one or more business models, including:
- Posting interesting content and selling contextual advertising either through direct sales or through an advertising network.
- E-commerce: products or services are purchased directly through the website
- Advertising products or services available at a brick and mortar business
- Freemium: basic content is available for free but premium content requires a payment (e.g., WordPress website, it is an open-source platform to build a blog or website.)